passing by, washing over

Performance, single-channel 4K video, 7:46 mins

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This performance / video piece explores ways to negotiate with the past, re-construct ingrained narratives, heal from generational baggage, and how this process relates to embodied experience. The projected imagery includes text and narratives from the artist’s childhood, scenes from the family history, her own calligraphy and various footages of water flowing in locations all around the world. As the projection washes over her body, the artist performs, almost like a ritual, to embody the process of growth, suffering and reflection, ultimately arriving at healing and peace. 

Performance & Production by
Ningxia Zhang

Music & Sound Design by 

* wisefake is a Toronto-based sound designer, multi-instrumentalist, score & soundtrack composer & producer. His works won a best score awards in Los Angeles Film Festival, and had been heard in lots of film festivals such as Cannes and Berlin International Film Festival.

More from the artist

I started to envision this piece in the summer of 2022. One day I suddenly felt the immense weight of the past, the memories of three decades of my life. I desperately wanted them to wash over me, so that I could breathe freely again and become pure. Some of the experiences leave scars on the mind, even if they’re not visible. I want to know if we can make them fade. As life incessantly flows forward, this weight keeps accumulating. How much more weight can I take on, if I don’t know how to let go?

The waters, everywhere else in the world, far away from home, can it wash away the old wounds? Can I be at this very moment, devoid of what the past has made me? Or every second I’m anew, as the new waves wash over me? Or through fire can I transport to another world, similar to how the Chinese traditionally communicate with ancestors? Or it will only deepen the wounds, and take away the aliveness? Or is aliveness just an illusion?

My mother makes videos out of memories and imagery of the past. It seems highly meaningful and important to her, even though she never articulated why she does it. She collects and preserves old photographs, takes pictures of certain objects, and combines them with her words into videos. They are about commemorating deceased family members, making sense of her past and present, expressing love and care. I only realized this similar tendency in me in recent years.

I included Chinese text, both in typed format and my own calligraphy. The characters, contain stories and narratives themselves, are encoded with meanings. I was particularly struck by the visual impact of the flowing characters when I visited the Inujima Seirensho Art Museum in Japan, where artist Yukinori Yanagi created site-specific installations based on the life story of Yukio Mishima. 

Water flowing often symbolizes the passage of time and life. Confucius has this famous saying as he stands on the river bank: 

“that which passes is like this river, flowing unceasingly, day and night”.

It’s a reminder of impermanence, one of the three marks of existence in Buddhism. 

Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh said: 

“Whether it’s a large wave or a small wave, half a wave or a third of a wave, it is still made out of water. Water is beyond all these qualifications—it is without birth and without death. A wave is really only water, and as far as water is concerned, all waves are equal because all waves are water.”

Images and footages

Archival photographs from the artist’s family album, Hubei, China, 1990s
Burning spirit money at the artist’s grandfather’s grave, Hubei, China, 2023
1st water flowing, La Fortuna, Costa Rica, 2022
2nd water flowing, Oslo, Norway, 2023
3rd water flowing, La Fortuna, Costa Rica, Costa Rica, 2022
4th water flowing, Hierve el Agua, Mexico, 2023
5th water flowing, Central Park, NY, USA, 2023
Final water flowing, Central Park, NY, USA, 2023

Chinese text

Typed text:

You take after mom. You’ll take after mom’s ill fate as well.

If you were a boy, my expectations for you would have been completely different.

It’s forbidden to sing the song The East Is Red

Your cousins don’t have the big eyes as yours. But your nose is flat.

You are grandpa’s little cane, the apple of his eye.

When you did zhuazhou you grabbed a book. That means you’ll just excel at studies.

Our family is different from others. Ours is poor.

Today your dad can’t come pick you up. I, the friendly police officer, will take you to have dumplings. Sounds good?

Is this your new home? It’s so small.

Girls can never do well with maths. When you can’t comprehend maths, you can come learn art with uncle.

You can’t make an artist. Your imagination is poor.

Mom always has a stomachache. Perhaps mom has cancer.

Don’t bother with her. She will be ok once she’s tired with crying.

How many times I’ve told you? Don’t get angered. Don’t get angered.

Your dad went to the Internet cafe and never came back

When I was born

I started to decay. Endless

darkness and muffled cries.

Despise my body

like a prison. Fate seems

never to leave me

in calm. The giant merciless

machine runs me over.

The sea wants to take me.

The knife wants to slit me.

In childhood I was woken

by the nightmares of death.

Today the fears dispersed. Suffering has

its end. Happiness is fleeting.

And often “extreme joy brings sorrow”.

Love is hard to come by. People leave easily.

Scattered on the floor, disappointed and sore.

The world's not going my way,

Tomorrow, I will untie my hair and my boat, I will be free.